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top 100 global innovator award 2024 fcard comp

OMRON receives Top 100 Global Innovators 2024 ranking

OMRON has been honored as one of the Top 100 Global Innovators for 2024 by Clarivate, a leading global information service firm. This prestigious ranking acknowledges OMRON's consistent commitment to technology research and innovation, making it one of the world's top 100 organizations in this field. This is the ninth time and eight consecutive year that OMRON has received this recognition.
automation playback screen fcard sol

Rewind and resolve – Automation Playback on OMRON's NX5 controller

Ever wished you could rewind time when fixing a problem on your production line? In the world of manufacturing, OMRON has made that wish come true with Automation Playback, a standard but unique feature on its NX5 automation controller. Automation Playback is almost like the production line's very own "time machine".
safety & flexible manufacturing fcard event

Safety Virtual Experience

Join us for a virtual experience of a flexible manufacturing factory and discover the most efficient safety solutions for your application.
forpheus hannover fcard event

Virtual Exhibition

During this tour, you can discover a real setup of the factory of the future to increase flexibility and productivity. Solutions with innovative robotics, vision, and AI technologies that support humans to cooperate with machines in a cost-efficient, harmonious and seamless manner, supported by OMRON’s innovative-Automation concept. A concept that fuses intelligent, integrated and interactive solutions.