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OMRON AI Policy Update

OMRON will take advantage of AI in a proper way to contribute to a better society.

AI is a technology for implementing intelligent features including but not limited to reasoning and estimation. OMRON has created the OMRON AI Policy to leverage AI responsibly, manage risks, and prevent issues like accidents or human rights violations. The scope of this policy includes AI systems developed by OMRON, as well as those that OMRON may use. OMRON will continually review and update this policy. 

As respect for humanity is one of OMRON’s most important guiding principles, OMRON will continue its challenge to solve social issues by taking advantage of AI with proper care, in alignment with the international standards of human rights and the rules of human society. This policy has two parts. The first part outlines OMRON’s commitment to the responsible use of AI, and the second part describes OMRON’s approach to AI governance. 

More information on Responsible AI Commitments can be found here.

Find out more about OMRON's solutions with Artificial Intelligence.

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