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Reshaping back-end semiconductor fabrication with automation

The back-end process in semiconductor manufacturing is currently dealing with significant challenges due to low automation levels and the rapid evolution of chip packaging. The shift of manufacturing back to Europe or the adoption of next-generation packaging technologies could further exacerbate these challenges.​

By enhancing back-end automation, Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) and Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) companies can dramatically boost throughput capabilities. This improvement can reduce or even eliminate the need for expensive capital expenditure expansions in the long run, while also achieving zero defects by improving output quality (yield, scrap, and failures).​

Join us in exploring OMRON solutions for back-end manufacturing. Our offerings include industry-specific communications, precise measurement, high-speed and accurate controls, and advanced robotics. Together, these innovations drive a significant transformation in back-end manufacturing.

Back End Process Flow

backend flow 1 sol
The image above shows the typical processes and equipment, the numbers are just to identify the process, not the sequence. 


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0207 464 200

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