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The demand for quality and speed in bin picking is remarkably high because the task is not to just match, but to outperform human capabilities!

Bin picking is a complex task as it involves picking of parts that are placed in a container in a chaotic and random manner and serving multiple bins as well.

Our Solution: Cobots as order pickers as a way of maximising the output.

A bin picking system typically consists of a 3D machine vision system, a robotic manipulator and software. It combines intelligent vision with autonomous motion control. Cobot picking uses vision along with End-of-Arm tooling to create bin-to-bin picking solutions. Allows robots to find and match objects regardless orientation.

Value provided

  • Releasing labour-intensive order fulfilment
  • Streamlined output:
    • fewer miss picks
    • higher flexibility
    • lower costs
    • less maintenance
  • Lowering the total cost of ownership.

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