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Asiakkaittemme suosittelemia

Me Omronilla haluamme kuunnella asiakkaitamme ja heidän tarpeitaan, sillä saamme siitä ideoita. Olemme tehneet yhteistyötä pakkauskoneiden valmistajien kanssa jo yli 20 vuoden ajan. Olemme saaneet monta erittäin hyvää ideaa ainoastaan kuuntelemalla heidän mielipiteitään.

Sinun ei kuitenkaan tarvitse uskoa pelkästään meidän sanaamme. Haluaisimme, että kuulet asian muilta asiakkailtamme.

fg-robosys 6 fcard sol

FG Robosys

FG Robosys, a leader in providing robotic solutions for the cosmetic and personal care industries, decided to enhance their robotic bottling line to improve efficiency and reduce changeover times at their customers’ production facilities.

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martini packaging sol

Martini perfects the packaging of pasta with OMRON technology

Based in Italy, Martini Srl produces high-precision weighing and packaging machines for the food sector. Its new MCRS-VD packaging system enables the packaging of up to 180 packs of pasta per minute. At the heart of the solution is an OMRON NX701 1600 machine controller. This manages the movements of the MCRS-VD. OMRON’s NX-TC Perfect Sealing technology enables the end user to improve the stability of the thermoregulation involved and reduces the costs associated with the use of packaging films.

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robot hand apple bboard misc

Factory automation: four tips for the future of food & beverage manufacturing

16. heinäkuuta 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has posed major challenges to organisations of all types and sizes. In the food and commodity industry, companies have faced significantly reduced consumption and disrupted supply chains, while at-home consumption increased, and out-of-home consumption came near to a standstill. But how can manufacturers adapt their business strategies and production processes both now and in the longer term? The pandemic may provide an opportunity for rethinking outdated processes and procedures and enhancing them with concepts such as innovative robotics, sensor technology and holistic automation strategies.

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bolci chocolate fcard misc

Automation with robotics increases production by 40% at BOLÇİ

Turkish chocolate manufacturer BOLÇİ needed to meet its promise of delivering chocolate products that are ‘untouched by human hand’. Omron and Innovas joined forces to commission a line of three Omron robots in the packaging section of the factory’s production line, with the aim of enhancing production quality and reducing labour costs.

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bin picking newssingle sol

Autonomous bin picking with a collaborative mobile robot

16. lokakuuta 2019 Our TM collaborative robot provides a unique solution to easily automate applications such as picking and packing that, traditionally performed by humans, have been challenging to automate. As part of the TM series launch, we also released a mobile-compatible model, which seamlessly integrates into Omron’s LD series autonomous mobile robot. Combined with a 3D vision camera mounted directly onto the collaborative robot, this enables for example e-commerce companies to automate more complex tasks. This includes pick and place of various items onto a tray or container, as well as connecting production processes with the autonomous mobile robots for flexible manufacturing and materials handling.

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robots food beverage bboard sol

Barcodes: keeping track of product quality

02. lokakuuta 2019 For many years, barcode technology has proved to be an economical and flexible identification technology. It has continued to develop and as a result, 1D and 2D codes (such as Datamatrix) are now used almost universally. Their versatility have made them a popular choice for streamlining many key supply chain processes, including production, logistics and item traceability.

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Käytämme sivustollamme evästeitä

Nämä evästeet parantavat verkkosivuston käyttökokemusta, parantavat sivuston laatua ja auttavat meitä näyttämään sinulle sisältöä ja mainoksia, jotka todennäköisesti kiinnostavat sinua. Sallimme myös kolmansien osapuolten (mukaan lukien sosiaalinen mediamme ja mainontakumppanimme) asettaa evästeitä verkkosivustollemme. 

Valitsemalla Hyväksy kaikki evästeet hyväksyt evästeiden asettamisen ja käytön evästekäytännössämme kuvatulla tavalla. Jos haluat sallia vain toiminnalliset evästeet, valitse Hyväksy välttämättömät evästeet. Jos haluat hienosäätää käyttämiämme evästeitä, valitse Hallitse evästeitä.