Contribution to Society
We are proud of our colleagues across the world that are, together with our partners, continuously looking for solutions that improve lives and contribute to a better society.
Automated pipetting solution ensures rapid evaluation of Covid-19 samples
GriPS Automation GmbH and D&T engineering GmbH have developed a solution to streamline pipetting, reducing processing time from one hour to ten minutes per plate.
Älykäs robotiikka mahdollistaa koronaviruksen nopeiden vasta-ainetestien joustavan tuotannon Senovassa
Saksalainen lääketieteellisen teknologian asiantuntija Senova kehitti tulevaisuuden tehtaan yhteistyössä OMRONin ja Kraus Maschinenbau GmbH:n kanssa.
OMRON and ICA Traffic present the first UV disinfection solution "Made in Germany"
HERO21 is based on the LD autonomous mobile robot from OMRON for maximum efficiency. Mobile robot moves autonomously and quickly through the rooms to be disinfected.
Disinfection solution with UV-equipped mobile robots
OMRON joins forces with partners to provide a new disinfection solution with UV-equipped mobile robots.
Robots speed up the production of Covid-19 tests
Medtech company Senova relies on OMRON's smart robotics in the production of rapid antibody tests that show immunity within a few minutes
TheOpenVentilator: mass production of ventilators to start after successful clinical trials in Spain
OMRON has contributed, with the non-profit association TheOpenVentilator, to the development of an emergency ventilator for compassionate-use, built with quality equipment and industrial reliability, to help patients requiring mechanical ventilation due to COVID-19.
UV-C Robot helps businesses win the fight against Covid
16. kesäkuuta 2021 As the UK’s customer-facing businesses plan their reopening strategies, keeping consumers and staff safe from Covid will be a key priority. In a bid to prevent future outbreaks at high footfall, everyday environments like supermarkets, bars and gyms, we have teamed up with UV Systems UK to produce an autonomous robotic sterilisation system that guarantees to kill the virus without damage or harm to surrounding goods.