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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.


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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.


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Hydrogen Online Conference 2021

OMRON is pleased to participate in HOC on October 8, 2021.

Hydrogen executives, experts, scientists and policymakers will attend the Hydrogen Online Conference for one reason: The Content.

The Hydrogen Online Conference comprises 24 hours of groundbreaking, up-to-date and inspiring content from experts and industry leaders. No dull PowerPoint presentations – just original, innovative thinking. The HOC has a practical focus: the successful deployment of hydrogen technology, best-in-class real-world projects and the most ambitious plans out there.

View the programme here and we will see you online on October 8!