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You now have access to OMRON Fleet Simulator offers the industry’s first mobile robot simulator for factory and manufacturing applications

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OMRON Fleet Simulator offers the industry’s first mobile robot simulator for factory and manufacturing applications

Omron offers a new solution for optimizing an entire fleet before deploying.

Fleet Simulator enables users to plan traffic and workflows for fleets of autonomous mobile robots and helps solving problems before they arise. It is now easier to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize your fleet without ever having to deploy a real robot. With the new upgrade of Fleet Manager, system integrators and end users will be able to simulate their applications simply by changing operating mode.


  • Utilizes the EM2100 common hardware appliance that can alternatively function as a Fleet Manager or Backup Fleet Manager (when equipped with a proper license)
  • Simulates up to 10 total robots, divided in up to 3 total fleets
  • Simulates features like CAPS, and ITK


  • Plan, simulate and optimize mobile robot workflow before roll-out. 
  • Identify potential bottlenecks & fleet interaction behaviors. 
  • Program robots completely offline to optimize efficiency and validate software.

For more information, please visit: product solution page

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