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Increasing productivity and speed of the EV battery cell production sealing process

Waiting time occurs between every press process until the laminate material takes heat away and stabilizes at the target temperature. OMRON's disturbance suppression and adaptive control technologies offer optimal temperature control.


In the sealing process of laminated battery fabrication, it is crucial to follow strict quality standards required for vehicle-mounted components while meeting the target takt time. During heat sealing, the seal bar temperature drops when it touches laminated film. It takes time for the bar to stabilize at the set point.


Our solutions apply technologies garnered from our experience in temperature control in packing machines to EV battery packs to meet the quality standards required for vehicle-mounted components. By suppressing surface cooling to maintain sealing quality and reducing heating time to improve productivity, OMRON technologies suppress errors caused by equipment takt time and disturbances by delivering optimal temperature control under any condition.

Our solution offers both high productivity and high quality

  • Applying proven technology used in packaging machines to the 3-way sealing process
  • Suppressing the temperature drop of the seal bar
  • Cutting the wait time until the seal bar temperature stabilizes at the set point

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Battery Cell Production Sealing

Waiting time occurs between every press process until the laminate material takes heat away and stabilizes at the target temperature. OMRON's disturbance suppression and adaptive control technologies offer optimal temperature control.

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