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Strengthening Battery Lamination Alignment

OMRON's precise battery lamination alignment solution allows you to accommodate shifting marketing demands and manufacturing trends without compromising production speed and output.


All-solid-state battery production is on the rise, and the precise requirements in this process have increased the need for improved battery lamination alignment. During all-solid-state battery production, stacks of several materials are required, which necessitates total accuracy during the laminating process.


OMRON's advanced technology works to automate the battery lamination alignment process by measuring the overall size of the battery and misalignment prior to the side paste process. This avoids electrical shortage of product during production while simultaneously maintaining capacity variation.

VT-M121 Dimensional and Visual Inspection Machine for battery lamination alignment

Utilizing OMRON’s MDMC illumination and FH vision technology, the VT-M121 is capable of capturing a variety of measurements on traditional or non-traditional samples.

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Battery Lamination Alignment

OMRON's precise battery lamination alignment solution allows you to accommodate shifting marketing demands and manufacturing trends without compromising production speed and output.

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