Key Industry
Digital & Semiconductor
We strive to empower you in our ever-evolving digital age to keep pace with meeting the demands of smarter and better solutions with any chip in any device. With the combination of high-speed, high-precision machine control and data handling, we provides you a full smart manufacturing solution.

Customer Testimonial

Autonome mobile Roboter bringen Materialfluss bei Polar Semiconductor auf Touren
US-Chiphersteller optimiert Materialtransport und Effizienz

Intelligent System Solutions with Autonomous Mobile Robot: AM-Flow and OMRON
27. lokakuuta 2021 Industry 4.0 brings the promise of streamlined processes, big data insights and production lines running 24/7 with zero downtime.

Mobile robots speed production at new ‘smart factory’
26. syyskuuta 2019 Showcasing flexible production in real life, a new ‘Smart Factory’ in Norway uses a variety of robots in a system developed and implemented by system integrator Intek Engineering.
How can we help you?
If you have a question, like to visit us or would like to receive more information, please contact us or send a request.
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