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Operational Excellence
Food & Beverage

Transforming the manufacturing industry beyond OEE

Julkaistu 11. helmikuuta 2019: Operational Excellence

Beyond OEE

Omron's series of 'OEE & me'-publications offers manufacturers, machine builders, and system integrators a convenient, complete and up-to-date guide to state-of-the-art OEE solutions. Practical insights that clearly explain what these new industrial automation solutions can do for your business. We will focus on topics like Staying Competitive (machine condition monitoring, autonomous production flows, and machine stops), Quality Control & Regulations (perfect packaging, managing waste, and avoiding contamination), and Mass Customization (avoiding idle time and production disruptions).
Almost every manufacturing publication nowadays features references to Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Although availability, performance and quality are key components in the manufacturing process, an OEE-scan merely provides a KPI. It is no more than an indicative percentage and not a goal in itself.
Today's manufacturing challenges include mass customisation, staying competitive and H&S-driven traceability. The only way manufacturers will be able to cope with these rapid developments in a timely manner is to transform operations into a digital production environment to realize the much desired flexibility.

On the verge of going digital

Research (PWC) shows that 86% of manufacturers underline the importance of digital transformation. They foresee cost reductions and revenue gains that instantly pay off. Yet other research (Sapio/Zetes) indicates that only about a third of the manufacturers have sufficient in-house knowledge of the digital supply chain network to make the change and that only 15% has already started the journey towards operating fully digital.

Selecting the right approach

Many manufacturers are not entirely sure how to select the right approach that fits their situation. What is the current situation? What is the ambition level? What transformation fits best? It is a journey that requires the right partner to ensure success every step of the way. Omron works with leading global manufacturers to realise smart factories that are completely tailored to their specific situation.

Technology of the future, available today

Deploying a wide array of the newest technological developments, like Edge controllers with build-in Artificial Intelligence and collaborative robotics solutions, Omron integrates the technology of tomorrow into the automation solutions it offers today. This way manufacturers are always one step ahead. In a smart digital factory, the production flow centres around data collection, analysis, connectivity and automation. Omron knows how to connect the right dots and how to translate the outcome into real-time actions that enable manufacturers to improve their performance.

Going digital step-by-step to be successful

Omron's step-by-step approach offers manufacturers instant access to the right automation partner, expertise and technology to enable them to improve their operational excellence responding to increasing demand-driven mass customisation and digital production flexibility. Omron offers a powerful and unique combination of strategic collaboration and state-of-the-art automation technology to completely unburden manufacturers. Digital production is a relatively new phenomenon. It is no surprise that many manufacturers have yet to find their way and to attract the right knowhow to be successful now and in the future.

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  • Patricia Torres

    Patricia Torres

    Patricia is Industry Marketing Manager Food and Commodities Solutions at Omron Industrial Automation Europe.

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