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Industrial Feeder iPF-240, white backlight


Feeder part Feeder unit
Feeder type iPF-240
Maximum component size 40 mm
Backlight type White


30240-001F iPF Accessory: Red backlight for iPF-240
30240-002F iPF Accessory: White backlight for iPF-240
30240-003F iPF Accessory: Infrared backlight for iPF-240
30240-101F iPF Accessory: Left purge actuator KIT for iPF-240
30240-102F iPF Accessory: Right purge actuator KIT for iPF-240
30240-103F iPF Accessory: Purge actuator for iPF-240
30240-104F iPF Accessory: Platform ONLY, Left purge, flat for iPF-240
30240-105F iPF Accessory: Platform ONLY, Right purge, flat for iPF-240
30240-106F iPF Accessory: ESD Platform ONLY, Left purge, flat for iPF-240
30240-107F iPF Accessory: ESD Platform ONLY, Right purge, flat for iPF-240
30240-108F iPF Accessory: Screw kit for iPF-240 platform mount
30600-240F iPF Accessory: power cable for iPF-240, 5 m
