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Bundle, Cobot, TM12X (model without camera), HW3.2, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP, Food Grade Grease


Hardware version 3.2
Payload 12 kg
Reach 1300 mm
Communication port(s) EtherNet/IP, Ethernet TCP/IP, MODBUS Master, MODBUS Slave, MODBUS/TCP, PROFINET Slave, Serial RS-232C
Speed (typical) 1.3 m/s
Maximum speed 4 m/s
Repeatability 0.1 mm
Power supply type AC
SEMI S2 certified
Food grade grease
Degree of protection (IP) IP54
SIL according to IEC 61508 2
Performance level according to EN ISO 13849-1 Level d
Cable length 3 m
Number of joints 6
Suitable for pedestal/floor mounting
Suitable for ceiling mounting
Suitable for wall mounting


ROBOT 6MTH WRTY EXT LB COBOT After Sales Robotic Services - 6 Months Warranty Extension Package for Labor Collaborative Robot (Labor and Travelling costs included, Warranty Extension package requires Basic and/or Registered warranty)
ROBOT 6MTH WRTY EXT SP COBOT After Sales Robotic Services - 6 Months Warranty Extension Package for Spare Parts Collaborative Robot (Warranty extension package requires Basic and/or Registered warranty)
