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V275 print quality inspection system, integrated into a 300-dpi resolution Zebra ZT610 printer, print and verify labels up to 104 mm wide at speeds up to 305 mm per second


In-line print quality inspection system
Sensor 600 dpi line scan camera
Printer operation Continuous, Tear-off
Printer model ZT610
Printer resolution 300 dpi
Decoder type 1D, 2D
Functions Blemish detection, OCR, OCV
Max. inspection speed 305 mm/s
Max. inspection width 104 mm
Max. web width 114 mm
Min. inspection width 25 mm
Max. label length 305 mm
Min. label length 20 mm
Max. media thickness 0.28 mm
Min. media thickness 0.05 mm


V275-ACEAN028-01 V275 calibration conformance test card, 4", serialized, undated
V275-ALCBL0ZT V275 light tower cable, unterminated, for ZEBRA ZT
V275-ALRYGZZT Light tower for use with the V275. Includes light tower and cable for connecting with Zebra printer.
V275-APIQOQ03-01 V275 IQ/OQ/PQ procedure, 300 & 600 DPI printers

Spare parts

V275-RRH04ZEB Kit, V275, 4" read head replacement for ZEBRA ZT
V275-RRPC0ZEB Kit, V275, ZEBRA ZT rear panel cable
