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Laser sensor head, through-beam, 1mm beam width (requires amplifier)


Measurement width 1 mm
Minimum sensing object 8 µm
Repeat accuracy 4 µm
Output type -5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA, PNP/NPN
Sensing distance 500 mm
Sensing distance (min.) 0 mm
Spot size 1 mm
Sensing method Through-beam
Material housing Plastic
Degree of protection (IP) IP40


ZX-LDA11-N 2M Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor NPN outputs
ZX-LDA41-N 2M Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor PNP outputs
ZX-SF11 RS-232C communications interface
ZX-XC4A 4M Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4m
