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2 or 4-axis point-to-point positioning controller with pulse train output and motion control unit functionality

The NC motion controllers support positioning control via pulse-train outputs. Positioning is performed using trapezoidal or S-curve acceleration and deceleration. Ideal for controlling simple positioning in stepper motors and servos with pulse-train input. When the CJ1W-NC__4 unit is used in a CJ2 CPU, it can perform also synchronous operation by use of electronic CAMs and other function blocks.

  • Position and speed control
  • Linear interpolation and feeder control function
  • Electronic CAM profiles and axes synchronisation
  • Positioning of 500 points done from memory
  • Programming languages: ladder, function blocks

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information

Position control unit


Order code

2 axes position control unit. Open-collector output.


4 axes position control unit. Open-collector output.


2 axes position control unit. Line-driver output.


4 axes position control unit. Line-driver output.


Servo drive cables

Note: Refer to selected servo systems section for cable and servo relay units information.

Computer software


Order code



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0207 464 200
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Tarjous CJ1W-NC_4

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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

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