Temperature sensors for basic applications
The E52-EL Lite Line provides best price/performance for basic applications. These models include the most popular housing and connection types.
- Best value for the money based on design and accuracy
- Wide range covering the most popular housing and connection models
Specifications & ordering info
Product | Size | Shape | Sensing method | Tube length | Length of connection cable | Material tube | Connection method | Cable end version | Description | |
dia 4 mm | Smooth tube | Pt100 | 50 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 3-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia. 4, 50, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2 m |
dia 5 mm | Smooth tube | Pt100 | 100 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 3-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 5, 100 mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2 m |
dia 6 mm | Smooth tube | Pt100 | 100 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 3-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia. 6, 100, SUS 304, pre-wired with open cable ends 2 m |
dia 6 mm | Smooth tube | Pt100 | 50 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 3-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, 0 .. +400°C, class B, dia. 6, 50 mm, 304SS, pre-wired with TTS cable end shoes 2 m |
dia 6 mm | Smooth tube | Thermocouple J | 100 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 2-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia. 6, 100 mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2 m |
dia 6 mm | Smooth tube | Thermocouple K | 100 mm | 2 m | SUS304 | 2-wire | With cable shoes | Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 100 mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2 m |
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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.