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Rotary pulse indicator capable of 50kHz measurements

These indicators with digital input feature a clear and easy-to-use colour-change display. All models are equipped with an IP66 housing. K3HB-R is high speed, with a sample rate up to 50kHz.

  • Position meter indication for easy monitoring
  • Optional DeviceNet, RS-232C, RS-485
  • Double display, with 5 digits, in two colours
  • Dimensions: H 48 x W 96 x D 100mm

Specifications & ordering info

Product Type Input type Input range Size Number of digits Output type Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Communication port(s) Features Description
Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 100-240 VAC supply
Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual colour change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply
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Tarjous K3HB-R

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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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Harsh environment

Control products can be subjected to harsh environments where they can be splashed during the process or covered in dust or get warm through their location. The E5CN, E5CSV, H7CX, H5CX and K3HB all feature a NEMA4X (IP66 equivalent) front panels so are suitable for the use in these applications, also the low profile fascia means that they are less prominent in the front of the panel and so less likely to become dirty.

Speed matching conveyors

Speed matching between two separate conveyors ensures the correct transfer of materials. In this case if the belts are at different speeds the boxes will either fall forward or backwards. By comparing the two belt speeds a linear output from the K3HB can be used to adjust one conveyors speed to ensure matching and smooth transfer.
