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Motor Condition Monitoring Device – insulation monitoring

K6CM-ISM monitors the insulation resistance, as indicator of the motor’s wiring and safety conditions.

As soon as the measured value falls below the pre-set warning or alarm value, the system triggers its output.

Installation is easy both in existing and new machines, as there is no need to wire sensors on the motor: the clamp-type ZCT can easily installed on the cables supplying power to the motor, and the controller is designed to be placed in the panel.

The device can either be used as stand-alone, or integrated in a wider solution, enabling functions such as:

  • Notifications in case of warning/alarm,
  • Remote monitoring
  • Interaction with custom applications and MQTT server.

Specifications & ordering info

Product Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Description
Motor Condition Monitoring, AC, 3-phase, Induction motor, Insulation resistance model, 100 to 240 VAC, Transistor control output, Push-in Plus, LCD display, Ethernet IP
Motor Condition Monitoring, AC, 3-phase, Induction motor, Insulation resistance model, 24 VAC/VDC, Transistor control output, Push-in Plus, LCD display, Ethernet IP
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0207 464 200
0207 464 200
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Tarjous K6CM-ISM

Tällä lomakkeella voit pyytää tarjouksen valitsemastasi tuotteesta. Täytäthän kaikki *-merkityt kentät. Henkilökohtaisia tietojasi käsitellään luottamuksellisesti.


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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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K6CM-ISM monitors the insulation status of a motor and alerts whenever changes to the baseline are expected to lead to serious issues,  allowing to properly plan maintenance interventions.

Condition monitoring devices can be configured with a single tool

Easy three-step configuration The Condition Monitoring Configuration Tool allows for batch configuration of a wide range of condition monitoring devices, such as those for monitoring motors, temperatures, insulation, and heaters. It can be used without any special skills, reducing training effort

Easy three-step configuration

The Condition Monitoring Configuration Tool allows for batch configuration of a wide range of condition monitoring devices, such as those for monitoring motors, temperatures, insulation, and heaters. It can be used without any special skills, reducing training effort. Setup can be completed in just three steps: communications setup, initial setup, and trigger setup.*1 With its high operability, the tool boosts on-site productivity as well.



Stand Alone installation (Without PLC)

This simple solution allows to:

  • Monitor the status of the motor through the onboard LED, or through to the Condition Monitoring Software
  • Setup the controllers through the Condition Monitoring Software, provided with the device
  • Interface the K6CM with any external I/O devices (dig. Output)

Stand Alone installation (with PLC)

This solution enables, in addition of the previous solution, to:

  • Monitor the status of the motor through to the Condition Monitoring Software, running on a PC which is connected through a PLC
  • Trigger, through the PLC, actions following any warning/alarm detected by K6CM

Notifications and remote monitoring - without PLC

This solution, using Omron RT1 as a gateway, enables:

  • e-mail/SMS notifications in case anomalies are detected by K6CM
  • secure connection (managed by RT1) to cloud, either via LAN or via 4G connection
  • secure connection for remote monitoring and setup of K6CM, using the Condition Monitoring software provided with the controller

Notifications and remote monitoring – with PLC

This solution, using any PLC and Omron RT1 as a gateway, enables:

  • e-mail/SMS notifications in case anomalies are detected by K6CM
  • secure connection (managed by RT1) to cloud, either via LAN or via 4G connection
  • secure connection for remote monitoring and setup of K6CM, using the Condition Monitoring software provided with the controller

Connection to MQTT server

This solution allows to connect several K6CM devices to any MQTT server, enabling several features such as the interface with other services.


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Nämä evästeet parantavat verkkosivuston käyttökokemusta, parantavat sivuston laatua ja auttavat meitä näyttämään sinulle sisältöä ja mainoksia, jotka todennäköisesti kiinnostavat sinua. Sallimme myös kolmansien osapuolten (mukaan lukien sosiaalinen mediamme ja mainontakumppanimme) asettaa evästeitä verkkosivustollemme. 

Valitsemalla Hyväksy kaikki evästeet hyväksyt evästeiden asettamisen ja käytön evästekäytännössämme kuvatulla tavalla. Jos haluat sallia vain toiminnalliset evästeet, valitse Hyväksy välttämättömät evästeet. Jos haluat hienosäätää käyttämiämme evästeitä, valitse Hallitse evästeitä.