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Welcome to the future of Remote Access

Every second counts on the production line. Omron and Secomea redefine how you connect to your machines to streamline access and minimize delays. Our industry is adapting to evolving higher standards regarding the accelerated demands for cybersecurity and compliance that emerge from new and upcoming regulations like NIS2 and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA).

Omron RT1 SiteManager Gateway works in Secomea Prime Platform to perform remote access and maintenance tasks, from remote programming to troubleshooting. Enabling your service engineers to access and maintain your industrial equipment remotely from any location will help them maximize their time and expertise.

The Secomea Prime platform includes several features, such as:

  1. A user-friendly administration dashboard 
  2. Real-time monitoring of vulnerability scores 
  3. Compliance with the NIS2 standard for remote access 
  4. A platform built on the next generation of "zero trust" architecture 
  5. Frequent and easy product and platform updates 

Secomea offers OMRON customers who purchase their first OMRON RT1 SiteManager:

  1. A free first-year subscription to the Secomea Prime Essential Package.
  2. OMRON will be your point of contact for 1st level technical support and purchasing additional RT100 SiteManager hardware.

Pre-register to SECOMEA PRIME as new customer!

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* Pre-registering for Secomea Prime is an intermediate step. Secomea will email you a commercial offer to confirm the subscription agreement.

Thank you in advance. We look forward to continuing our collaboration to meet the increasing customer and regulatory demands in cybersecurity and compliance.

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Valitsemalla Hyväksy kaikki evästeet hyväksyt evästeiden asettamisen ja käytön evästekäytännössämme kuvatulla tavalla. Jos haluat sallia vain toiminnalliset evästeet, valitse Hyväksy välttämättömät evästeet. Jos haluat hienosäätää käyttämiämme evästeitä, valitse Hallitse evästeitä.