
Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.



Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.


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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.


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Minimize energy waste caused by unexpected heater burnout Monitoring of electric heaters degradation enhance energy efficiency and contribute to cost savings

  • Heater failures lead to unexpected downtime. Stopping production, switching off the oven, and inefficiently reheating it consume additional energy.
  • Replacing a failed heater and waiting for warm-up is time-consuming if not scheduled. Production halts during this period, affecting productivity.
  • Current planned maintenance processes for heaters are labor-intensive.

Protect critical equipment from failures caused by DC loads malfunctions or power outages

A multitude of interconnected components, making it difficult to pinpoint specific issues when this is generated by a derating in the Power source.

  • Concurrent activation of DC loads and unmanaged inrush currents or short circuits can lead to high current phenomenon affecting overall system stability.
  • Unexpected power outages disrupt production  processes, leading to lost time, scrapped products, and missed shipment dates.

Minimize the risk of electrical fires

Continuing to monitor the temperature panel remains a crucial step in fire prevention.

  • Faulty electrical equipment or installations can lead to fires. Malfunctioning systems, short circuits, and electrical arcs are common causes.
  • Loose electric connections can pose fire hazards, especially when equipment is subjected to vibrations during shipping and operation.
  • Monitoring the temperature of critical components such as power distribution, transformers, or power supplies is not always practical.

Prevent unexpected breakdowns minimizing unplanned downtime

Multiple approaches to monitor different failures related to motor itself, the load and drive:

  • abnormal load condition (foreign debris, pump cavitation);
  • bearing wear malfunction (lack of lubrification);
  • insulation degradation (dust intrusion, fluid leaking).
  • Monitors strategic Drive components lifetime like fans, IGBTs, capacitors, etc…

Download our leaflets “Smart maintenance ideas and solutions’’ to learn more

  • 61F-LS-CP11-SRA

    Compact plug-in level controllers

  • K6CM-CIMx

    Motor Condition Monitoring Device – current monitoring

  • K6CM-VBMx

    Motor Condition Monitoring Device – vibration monitoring

  • k6pm image en prod

    Thermography-based Condition Monitoring

  • K7GE-MGMx alt01

    Condition Monitoring Device – insulation monitoring

  • k7l new prod

    Ultra-miniature liquid leakage sensor amplifier

  • k7tm product bboard right prod

    Electric Heaters Condition Monitoring Device

  • k8ak-as prod

    Single-phase current relay

  • k8ak-aw2 prod

    Single-phase current relay, window type

  • k8ak-ls1 prod

    22.5 mm wide conductive level controller

  • k8ak-pa2 prod

    3-phase asymmetry, phase-sequence, phase-loss relay

  • k8ak-ph1 prod

    3-phase sequence, phase-loss relay

  • k8ak-pm2 prod

    3-phase voltage, phase sequence, phase loss relay

  • k8ak-pw2 prod

    3-phase voltage relay

  • k8ak ts pt prod

    Slim-line relays monitor three-phase motor temperature, phase sequence and phase loss.

  • k8ak-vs3 prod

    Single-phase voltage relay

  • k8ak-vw3 prod

    Single-phase voltage relay, window type

  • k8ds-pa2 oee prod

    3-phase voltage asymmetry, phase sequence, phase loss

  • k8ds-ph1 prod

    3-phase sequence, phase loss relay

  • k8ds-pu2 oee prod

    3-phase undervoltage and phase-sequence phase-loss relay

  • k8ds-pz1 oee prod

    Slim-line three-phase voltage, asymmetry and phase-sequence phase-loss protection

  • k8dt-as prod

    Single-phase current relay

  • img product k8dt-aw corner prod

    Single-phase overcurrent/undercurrent relay

  • k8dt-ls prod

    17.5 mm wide conductive level controller

  • img product k8dt-ph corner prod

    Phase-sequence phase-loss relay

  • img product k8dt-pm corner prod

    Three-phase voltage and phase-sequence phase-loss relay

  • k8dt-pz prod

    Three-phase voltage, asymmetry, and phase-sequence phase-loss relay

  • k8dt-th1 prod

    Temperature monitoring relay

  • k8dt-vs prod

    Single-phase voltage relay

  • k8dt-vw prod

    Single-phase overvoltage/undervoltage relay

  • m1 ect std product image 400x400 prod

    The Integrated AC Drivers Solution

  • s8ba 120w prod

    Compact DC-DC UPS with DIN-rail prevents voltage drop and power failure in industrial PCs (IPC)/controllers

  • s8vk-x group prod

    Switch Mode Power Supply S8VK-X

sm device & sensor visual+edge en sol

Back to Smart Maintenance

Maintenance is a vital to assuring 24/7 operations. Even the failure of a single component can have a massive impact on operations, while energy and maintenance expenses are a major part of the lifecycle costs of automatic machines

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