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CK3M CPU, 1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash, 8 EtherCAT axes. Up to two axis interface units can be connected. Expansion units can be connected.


Type of module Motion control
Max. number of axes via EtherCAT 8
Number of digital inputs 0
Number of digital outputs 0
Number of analog inputs 0
Max. number of axis interface units 4
Communication port(s) EtherCAT Master, Ethernet TCP/IP, USB
Product Height (unpacked) 90 mm
Product Width (unpacked) 63.2 mm
Product Depth (unpacked) 80 mm
Product Weight (unpacked) 230 g


CK3W-PD048 CK3W Power Supply Unit for CK[]M-CPU1[]1, 5 VDC / 24 VDC, max current 8 A (5 VDC)
FZ-MEM16G Accessory FH, USB memory 16G
GX-JC03 3-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply
GX-JC06 6-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply
