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Industrial 6 mm “slim” SSR

As well as being slim and thus saving panel space, G3RV relays are very strong, have a large contact area and non-bendable pins. Power switching in G3RV relays with DC outputs is managed by a MOSFET in the output, which has ideal heat dissipation characteristics. Moreoverthe new in the family is the “High Speed Switching type” for PLC and to support the customers demand of higher switching capacity and performance of G3RV.

  • G2RV (tcm:382-7199) compatible
  • LED indicator built in SSR
  • Push-in plus technology and accessories for easy wiring

Specifications & ordering info

Product Isolation LED indicator Mounting method Number of phases Operating voltage range, AC Operating voltage range, DC Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Rated operation current Ie at AC-1 Switching at zero-crossing Terminal Description
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 110 VAC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 12 VDC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 230 VAC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VAC/DC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VDC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 48 VAC/DC, Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 110 VAC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 12 VDC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 230 VAC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VAC/DC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VDC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 48 VAC/DC, Non Zero-cross
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 110 VAC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 12 VDC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 230 VAC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VAC/DC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 24 VDC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 48 VAC/DC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, High Speed Switching type, operate time 3 ms release time 21 ms, AC/DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in plus terminals, 24 VAC/DC
Slimline SSR 6 mm, incl. socket, High Speed Switching type, operate time 0.2 ms release time 0.4 ms, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in plus terminals, 24 DC
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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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