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High-performance color mark sensor

E3NX-CA provides reliable color mark detection for standard as well as challenging applications. The separate sensing head setup allows the easy adaption to the mounting requirements even when space is crucial.

  • Capability to distinguish slight color differences
  • Response speed of 50 μs using contrast mode
  • Bank switching up to 8 memories
  • RGB data transmission function
  • Easy teaching by Smart Tuning within a few seconds
  • EtherCAT communication unit for high-speed fieldbus connectivity

Specifications & ordering info

Product Shape Sensing method Setting method Output type Features Connection method Cable length Operation mode Response time Material housing Type of light Functions Application Number of numerical displays Number of channels Degree of protection (IP) Number of digital outputs Number of digital inputs Description
Fiber amplifier, color mark detection white LED, smart tuning, Fieldbus communication
Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, 2m cable
Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, 2m cable
Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, 2m cable
Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, 2m cable
Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, connector
Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, connector
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Performance comparison

Registration mark detection

The packaging material used in many packaging machines is very often delivered in rolls and has to be cut and positioned accurately. In order to avoid waste and errors and to compensate for environmental influences, a registration mark (usually black or in a colour that provides maximum contrast to the background) is added to the packaging material.

The goal of any mark sensor development is to reliably detect these registration marks even in changing environmental conditions. A particular challenge is the frequent exchange of packaging materials and the continuously changing packaging designs.

At Omron we closely work together with leading packaging machine makers to evaluate the requirements for sensors from commonly used packaging material as well as most critical designs or materials. In addition the performance requirements vary according to the overall machine value concept.

Solution portfolio

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Complex shape and position detection and synchronized quality inspection.

For positioning and machine synchronisation tasks e.g. requiring the recognition of words or symbols, the shape, position detection functionalities of the vision sensors and systems can be set up to provide solutions for the most complex and challenging tasks. The vision systems can also detect the registration mark and perform position and quality inspections at the same time.

  • FQ2 - Simply guided and crystal clear
  • Xpectia-Lite - Performance in touch with simplicity

color mark sensors teaser 373x140 prod

Challenging designs or colour marks

Objects with complex designs or where the contrast between print mark and background is low, require sensors that allow an easy adaption to the specific requirements of the particular task.

  • Amplifiers with digital value displays and advanced signal evaluation functions for application optimised settings
  • Wide range of sensing heads fitting the application and distance requirements
  • White LED, RGB ratio comparison and extended functionality

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Standard print mark detection

For print marks most commonly used in the packaging and printing industry, the contrast sensors with white LED have an optimised light intensity and RGB ratio evaluation algorithm ensuring a stable and fast detection.

  • Compact housing concept for high flexibility in machine design
  • Fast response time of 50 μs
  • Autoteach and white LED
For more information go to E3ZM-V


E3NW Operation Manual
enPDF 4,97 Mt
E3NX-CA__Series Instruction Sheet
enPDF 11,7 Mt
EAC Mark removal Discontinuation Notice
enPDF 221 kt
Fiber Sensor Selection Selection Guide
enPDF 16,2 Mt

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