J7MN is a range of motor-protection circuit breakers from 0.10-100A
The J7MN motor starters protect motors against thermal overload and short circuit. The Motor protection circuit breakers can be equipped with additional auxiliary contacts, front or side mounted. Other options are circuit trip alarm units, undervoltage and shunt release units. To make wiring easy we provide as well busbar system.
- Available rated operational currents to 32 A, 63 A and 100 A
- Switching capacity is mainly 50 kA/400 V or 100 KA/400 V
- All Motor Protection Circuit breaker can be mounted on a DIN-rail
- For the range to 32A we provide electro-mechanical links modules
- All components are finger proof
Specifications & ordering info
Product | Rated power AC2, AC3 at 400 V [kW] | Suitable for motors 3 ~ 400 V [kW] | Rated current [A] | Setting range thermal overload release current [A] | Setting range instantaneous short-circuit release current [A] | Short-circuit breaking capacity at 3 ~ 400 V [kA] | Terminal | Product Width (unpacked) | Product Height (unpacked) | Product Depth (unpacked) | Control type | Description | |
0.25 kW | 0.25 kW | 1 A | 0.63-1 A | 13-13 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 A |
4 kW | 4 kW | 10 A | 6-10 A | 130-130 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 6-10 A |
5.5 kW | 5.5 kW | 13 A | 9-13 A | 169-169 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 9-13 A |
7.5 kW | 7.5 kW | 17 A | 11-17 A | 221-221 A | 20 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 11-17 A |
0.55 kW | 0.55 kW | 1.6 A | 1-1.6 A | 20.8-20.8 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 A |
0.75 kW | 0.75 kW | 2.5 A | 1.6-2.5 A | 32.5-32.5 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 A |
15 kW | 15 kW | 32 A | 22-32 A | 416-416 A | 15 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 22-32 A |
1.5 kW | 1.5 kW | 4 A | 2.5-4 A | 52-52 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 A |
2.2 kW | 2.2 kW | 6 A | 4-6 A | 78-78 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 4-6 A |
3 kW | 3 kW | 8 A | 5-8 A | 104-104 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 5-8 A |
0.09 kW | 0.09 kW | 0.4 A | 0.25-0.4 A | 5.2-5.2 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.25-0.4 A |
0.18 kW | 0.18 kW | 0.63 A | 0.4-0.63 A | 8.2-8.2 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 75 mm | Switch type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.4 A-0.63 A |
0.25 kW | 0.25 kW | 1 A | 0.63-1 A | 13-13 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 A |
4 kW | 4 kW | 10 A | 6-10 A | 130-130 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 6-10 A |
5.5 kW | 5.5 kW | 13 A | 9-13 A | 169-169 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 9-13 A |
7.5 kW | 7.5 kW | 17 A | 11-17 A | 221-221 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 11-17 A |
0.55 kW | 0.55 kW | 1.6 A | 1-1.6 A | 20.8-20.8 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 A |
7.5 kW | 7.5 kW | 22 A | 14-22 A | 286-286 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 14-22 A |
11 kW | 11 kW | 26 A | 18-26 A | 338-338 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 18-26 A |
0.75 kW | 0.75 kW | 2.5 A | 1.6-2.5 A | 32.5-32.5 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 A |
15 kW | 15 kW | 32 A | 22-32 A | 416-416 A | 50 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 22-32 A |
1.5 kW | 1.5 kW | 4 A | 2.5-4 A | 52-52 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 A |
2.2 kW | 2.2 kW | 6 A | 4-6 A | 78-78 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 4-6 A |
3 kW | 3 kW | 8 A | 5-8 A | 108-108 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 5-8 A |
0.06 kW | 0.06 kW | 0.25 A | 0.16-0.25 A | 3.3-3.3 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 97 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.16-0.25 A |
0.18 kW | 0.18 kW | 0.63 A | 0.4-0.63 A | 8.2-8.2 A | 100 kA | Screw | 45 mm | 98 mm | 100 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.4-0.63 A |
12.5 kW | 15 kW | 32 A | 22-32 A | 416-416 A | 50 kA | Screw | 55 mm | 140 mm | 144 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 22-32 A |
18.5 kW | 18.5 kW | 40 A | 28-40 A | 520-520 A | 50 kA | Screw | 55 mm | 140 mm | 144 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 28-40 A |
22 kW | 22 kW | 50 A | 34-50 A | 650-650 A | 50 kA | Screw | 55 mm | 140 mm | 144 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 34-50 A |
30 kW | 30 kW | 63 A | 45-63 A | 819-819 A | 50 kA | Screw | 55 mm | 140 mm | 144 mm | Rotary type | Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 45-63 A |
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