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Sysmac controller – NJ1 Series

The NJ1 series is a new Sysmac controller for logic sequence and motion control aimed for compact machines.

  • Fastest cycle time: 1 ms
  • Number of axes: 2
  • Synchronized motion core
  • Functions: Logic sequence, Motion and Database connection
  • Database direct connection in V2.0 is expanded with stored procedure calls and secure communications functionality
  • Database direct connection: SQL client for server Microsoft SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL
  • Multi-tasking
  • Built-in EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP ports
  • DB connection: SQL client for Microsoft SQL server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, Firebird
  • EtherCAT Ring topology is supported to maintain communications and control in case of a broken cable or device failure

Specifications & ordering info

Product Supports DB connection Supports motion control Max. number of synchronous axes Primary task cycle time Program memory Variables memory Communication port(s) Max. number of remote I/O nodes Supports sequence control Description
Sysmac NJ1 CPU, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (2 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP
Sysmac NJ1 CPU with with Database Connectivity, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (2 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP
Sysmac NJ1 CPU, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (0 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP
Sysmac NJ1 CPU with Database Connectivity, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (0 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP
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0207 464 200
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Ota minuun yhteyttä NJ1

NJ101-1000 alt01

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0207 464 200
0207 464 200
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Tarjous NJ1

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NJ101-1000 alt01

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EtherCAT Redundancy

nonredundant redundant system prod engb prod

Redundancy minimizes downtime

Even if a part of the EtherCAT network is disconnected, Cable Redundancy provides continuous connectivity.

This function allows you to fix disconnection without stopping the machines and production line where one controller provides both machine control and safety control.

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