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Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.


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PYF is the MY relays family sockets range, also suitable for solid state relays (SSR) and timers

PYF is the socket family dedicated to the MY Miniature Power Relays family, G3F/G3FD solid state relays family and H3Y/H3YN timers. PYF line has a wide range of models with different features based on the needs of your panel:

  • Available in different colors and dimensions
  • PYFZ models are fully automated produced
  • DIN Track or screw mounting type
  • Possibility to choose different Terminal Type including OMRON’s patented Push-in plus Technology (PU models)
  • PU and Z socket families have been created under the Harmonization concept. Accessories like labels or separate plates can be used both with the PU, and Z socket families. These families of sockets are suitable for the electromechanical relays: G2RS, MY and LY.
  • Complete line-up with accessories is available to create a perfect panel
  • CSA, TUV and UL certified models

Specifications & ordering info

Product Applicable product family Mounting method Terminal Product Width (unpacked) Product Height (unpacked) Product Depth (unpacked) Color Hold down clip included Release Lever included Applicable wire Applicable ferrules Description
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31 mm, 8-pin, Push-in terminals
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31 mm, 8-pin, Push-in terminals
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31 mm, 14-pin, Push-in terminals
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31 mm, 14-pin, Push-in terminals,
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE)
Socket, DIN rail mounting, 8-pin, screwless terminals
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals
Socket, with common and coil terminals on the bottom and with the NC & NO terminal on the top - Black.
Socket, with common, NC & NO terminals at the top and the coil terminals at the bottom - Black
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE)
Socket, DIN rail mounting, 14-pin, screwless terminals
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard)
Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (standard)
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How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

0207 464 200
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Ota minuun yhteyttä PYF

relay main product visual 400x400px pyf prod

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Kiitos yhteydenotostasi. Otamme teihin yhteyttä mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

0207 464 200
0207 464 200
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Tarjous PYF

Tällä lomakkeella voit pyytää tarjouksen valitsemastasi tuotteesta. Täytäthän kaikki *-merkityt kentät. Henkilökohtaisia tietojasi käsitellään luottamuksellisesti.

relay main product visual 400x400px pyf prod

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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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Related products

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    Plug-in type SSR with shape and size compatible with MY series power relay

  • h3yn new prod

    Compact, Multi-function Timers with Plug-in socket

  • MY family group prod

    General-purpose relays family suitable for different environments and applications


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Valitsemalla Hyväksy kaikki evästeet hyväksyt evästeiden asettamisen ja käytön evästekäytännössämme kuvatulla tavalla. Jos haluat sallia vain toiminnalliset evästeet, valitse Hyväksy välttämättömät evästeet. Jos haluat hienosäätää käyttämiämme evästeitä, valitse Hallitse evästeitä.