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Powerful Machine Visualisation

CX-Supervisor boasts powerful functions for a wide range of PC based HMI requirements. Simple applications can be created rapidly with the aid of a large number of predefined functions and libraries, and even very complex applications can be generated with a powerful programming language or VBScript™. CX-Supervisor has an extremely simple, intuitive handling and high user friendliness. Importing ActiveX® components makes it possible to create flexible applications and extend functionality.

CX-Supervisor is dedicated to the design and operation of PC visualisation and machine control. It is not only simple to use for small supervisory and control tasks, but it also offers a wealth of power for the design of the most sophisticated applications.

Specifications & ordering info

Product Usage License period Number of user licenses Copy protection Description
CX-Supervisor V4 Developer package (1 License Soft Activation annual subscription)
CX-Supervisor V4 Machine Edition Runtime (1 License Soft Activation)
CX-Supervisor V4 Machine Edition Runtime package (with USB dongle)
CX-Supervisor V4 PLUS Runtime package (1 License Soft Activation)
CX-Supervisor V4 PLUS Runtime package (with USB dongle)
CX-Supervisor V4.2 to V4.3 developer upgrade
CX-Supervisor Developer package, Requires CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V4 or CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V4 runtime package with USB dongle
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0207 464 200
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Tarjous CX-Supervisor

Tällä lomakkeella voit pyytää tarjouksen valitsemastasi tuotteesta. Täytäthän kaikki *-merkityt kentät. Henkilökohtaisia tietojasi käsitellään luottamuksellisesti.

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Kiitos tarjouspyynnöstä. Toimitamme tarvittavat tiedot teille mahdollisimman pian.

Meillä on teknisiä ongelmia. Emme ole pystyneet vastaanottamaan lomakettasi. Pahoittelemme ja pyydämme yrittämään uudelleen myöhemmin.

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Fine tuning

cx-supervisor data log viewer prod

The Data Log Viewer has been completely re-written to enable advanced features that enable you to analyse the data from your machine at a glance. Zoom & Pan easily with the mouse and identify the exact moment that a problem occurred. Add horizontal and vertical cursors to spot trends and monitor the value for all traces at that point in time. Now you can even overlay past data over new data to compare one week against another.

Graphics Library

cx-supervisor grafix library prod

The Graphics Library has been significantly improved to include new ’Smart Objects’ which allow objects to include actions, animations and associated points. Make your own library of re-usable objects for your machines and use again and again. A consistent look & feel between your NS panels and CX-Supervisor is now possible as v3 includes the graphics library from CX-Designer.

Image Support

cx-supervisor transparency prod

Support is now added for JPEG and GIF allowing you to choose the image you wish to use and now you have the option to make part of an image transparent. Metafiles can be converted into CX-Supervisor objects and modified to suit the application or added to the graphics library complete with special animations and actions.


cx-supervisor simulation prod

Integrated One Click Simulation now comes to CX-Supervisor after its popularity in CX-One. This enables your application to be tested using a simulation of the PLC without having to deploy to a runtime machine – all with a single click operation. The CX-Supervisor developer package also now includes a trial runtime, so there is no need for a USB dongle to test your application.


cx-supervisor remote maintenance prod

Web Based Remote Maintenance allows a user to remotely and securely log in to view and edit points, monitor and acknowledge alarms and logs and update the application all with a standard web browser from anywhere in the world!

Other features

Support for FINS Gateway allows you to directly access your devices using FINs Gateway 2003 (now included with CX-Supervisor) where the features of FINs Gateway better suit your communications needs. New heartbeat monitoring all of your device connections quickly informs you of problems. .NET Remote Interface allows advanced users to develop their own application and interact with your CX-Supervisor application. Plus much more including improved application analysis and performance monitor and a colour palette control that supports gradient fills and alpha blending transparency.

FH Vision Integration

Our FH Vision controllers can be integrated into your HMI pages to include live camera streams from your vision application. This can be used to monitor measurement overlays and also review the test failures. Using standard HMI buttons, controls or scripting you can control the vision system Scenes and Lines directly. For ultimate flexibility you can even access the whole vision programming panel to commission or reprogram from your HMI screen, with appropriate security permissions of course.

Software Registration & Downloads

Ohjelmiston rekisteröinti ja lataukset

Tässä osassa verkkosivustoamme voit rekisteröidä Omron-ohjelmistotuotteesi. Lisenssinumeron rekisteröinnin jälkeen pääset tarkastelemaan ohjelmiston päivitys- ja tukitiedostoja. Sen lisäksi näiltä sivuilta voi ladata useita ohjelmistosovelluksia ja työkaluja ilmaiseksi.
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CX-Supervisor v4.4.1.8 TRIAL Software
en ZIP 778 Mt

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