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QX-830 Industrial Barcode Scanner

The QX-830 industrial barcode scanner combines revolutionary flexible connectivity with high performance decoding capabilities to reliably read 1D barcodes in almost any automation environment. In addition to the X-Mode technology, the QX-830 features IP54 industrial sealing and embedded Ethernet protocols. High performance, simple connectivity, and IP54 enclosure make the QX-830 an ideal industrial barcode scanner for any industrial application.

  • Scans/second: 300 to 1400
  • Read range: 25 to 762 mm
  • Embedded Ethernet TCP/IP & EtherNet/IP
  • IP54 enclosure

Specifications & ordering info

Product Communication port(s) Focus distance Autofocus Decoder speed Frame rate Optics class Scan type Description
QX-830 Scanner, Raster Line, LD, Serial
QX-830 Scanner, Raster Line, MD, Serial
QX-830 Scanner, Single Line, MD, Serial & Ethernet
QX-830 Scanner, Single Line, HD, Serial & Ethernet
QX-830 Industrial Barcode Reader, Raster Line, Low Density, Serial+Ethernet
QX-830 Scanner, Raster Line, MD, Serial & Ethernet
QX-830 Scanner, Raster Line, HD, Serial & Ethernet
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qx 830 industrial laser barcode scanner side prod

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0207 464 200
0207 464 200
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Tarjous QX-830

Tällä lomakkeella voit pyytää tarjouksen valitsemastasi tuotteesta. Täytäthän kaikki *-merkityt kentät. Henkilökohtaisia tietojasi käsitellään luottamuksellisesti.

qx 830 industrial laser barcode scanner side prod

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X-Mode Technology:

Decodes damaged, poorly printed, or misaligned codes. Ensures high read rates and throughput.

High Performance:

Aggressive decoding capabilities allow reliable reading of barcodes out to 762 mm, at up to a 254 mm beam width

Real-time Feedback:

Visible LED indicators on the side of the scanner and a “good read” green flash projecting from the front window provide confirmation of the scanner’s performance. The green flash is visible within a complete 360 degree radius from the scanner.

Ethernet Protocols:

The QX-830 includes embedded Ethernet TCP/ IP and EtherNet/IP for high speed communication.


The compact size of the QX-830 allows flexible positioning for a variety of applications.


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